Monday, June 14, 2010

What Does Obama and Bush Have in Common?

What does Obama and Bush have in common? America thinks they can't do anything right.
For instance, Obama is criticized for big government and later, post oil leak, he is condemned for not doing enough. Does it seem like our President just can’t win?
I am not sure what was expected of him the first few days when BP was trying all their options. His response was to let the experts fix it. This makes perfect sense. When they couldn’t stop the leak, Obama went to work bringing experts together to try to find a solution.
In the last few decades it seems as if none of our Presidents were appreciated for the difficult job they do for us. They are mercilessly criticized. I felt terrible for the abuse Bush was getting in office.
I recently heard a report from professionals who gave a year of service to intern at the White House. These adults came from many professions where they were top in their fields.
They spoke of the complexity of the problems that Obama and his Cabinet face every day. One intern said he would never again question decisions made because he realized how little information we as citizens have about these overwhelming issues.
Thank our God we can have honest debate in this great country. It is important to question for it is in the discussion of issues that the best is brought out in us. But we must do this discussion in humility. We do not have all the information.
Then, citizens who know that God does have the answers, we must pray. Pray for our President and all the decision makers in Washington. Please pray with me.

A Prayer for Our President

“May the king’s rule be refreshing like spring rain on freshly cut grass,
like the showers that water the earth.
May all the godly flourish during his reign,
May there be abundant prosperity until the moon is no more.”
Psalm 72: 6,7 NLT

King of Kings,

We pray that our President, whom you have appointed over us, to exhibit fairness and wisdom as he/she leads our nation. Help him/her to have a variety of counselors who will advise with Godly priorities. May our President defend the constitution and the values it embodies. Allow him/her to put aside his own agenda when it does not fit within your will.
May our President be a peacemaker, looking for solutions that bridge differences with his/her opponents. Encourage him/her to seek peace worldwide while maintaining our security. Give him/her favor with other nations as well as those in our country who oppose his/her policies.
As he/she faces important decisions today, enable him/her to do what benefits our citizens. When the decisions are complex give him/her the wisdom of King Solomon, the heart of King David and the courage of Daniel.
Inspire him/her to act righteously, regardless of his/her religious beliefs. Bless his/her family and may he/she draw strength from his loved ones. Restore his/her tired mind each night to lead us anew each morning. In Jesus Name, Amen.


  1. Deb-- Good, compassionate, even-handed reality check!

  2. Yes, we absolutely must pray for our president. And this one needs us to be on our knees daily.

    But, do not be deceived. Mr. Obama did not allow some foreign entities who are expert in oil spills to come and orchestra the clean up. That is infuriating. I have no idea what his agenda is. But...clearly it's not pro nature, regardless of what he says.

    Please pray....he is delivering tooooo much change. And without God's intervention and your/our prayers...we are facing difficult days ahead because of Mr. Obama's leadership/agenda.
